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November 22, 2013

I had so many desires and demands for God to come through the way I wanted Him to, when I wanted Him to. There were times where it felt like after an amazing encounter with the love of God where He literally washed my conscious and gave me a hope and a reason to live, but He wouldn’t do it for those that I loved. I didn’t understand. I wanted my father to be made new, to taste and see that He is good and all freedom from the effects of our brokenness is found in Him. He is really more than just a name or concept that we just talk at and hope that some of our prayers reach Him. Everything that our hearts could ever want or need is found in Him . Intimacy. Healing. Peace. Meaning. Identity. The issue here is that we as humans tend to want it all now, and not to go through the pain and the price that His love for us cost Him. We don’t want to ache with His heart in the hallway. I wanted so bad for things to change now, and I thought something was wrong with God, myself, and others because what happened to me did not seem to be happening to my family. Now on the others side of that, it finally is apparent that God cares all along, and He cares enough to allow suffering so that His love will be worked-out in us. Live hurts, and there is a price that comes with it. Are you willing to love when God is not manifesting the way we’ve experienced? When it seems that the circumstances surrounding His promises  are contradictory to His promises? That is the womb by which His nature is birthed in us. The natural birthing process takes nine years. Israel became a nation in 1948. When did world war 2 officially start? Nine years earlier when Germany invaded Poland – the main territory in which the death camps such as Auschvitz were built. So Poland was literally the womb of the Jewish peoples’ birthing pangs as they transitioned from exile to being an official nations once again. That is how intentional God is in even the most painful and unjust situations in our lives. He will birth something even better out of the opposition coming from Ishael and Esau’s descendants as well. It is painful for them right now, and it seems impossible for there to ever be a solution to the endless hatred toward them from the surrounding Muslim Goliath. I believe that God is going to reach the Jewish people and they will see that all along Yeshua has been with them, waiting for the coming day when they finally would turn to Him, and God will in turn reach the lost Muslim world through Israel – for God loves them also!

Such will His promise work out for us. He wants us to prosper and have good things, but this only comes when the Life of His Son is works out in our lives. Therefore, He must deal with our shortsightdness, our tendencies to be disappointed for sometimes good reasons, our expectations for how things should look or be restored(especially good things such as family and personal restoration), really it’s all our weakness of unbelief that looks at everything from a pre-Cross,self-oriented perspective instead of a post-Cross, God-perspective. Wondering why that person that you cry outo to God for doesn’t seem to be any different? Or where yur dreams for a business or ministry to a people-group, or to write a book or be a politician have gone. God wants us to rule in life with Jesus, but that is only possible when our tendencies to still do it out of our own well-meaning strength and abilities are out of the way and His character is world out in us. Otherwise, the business or career or desire for others would replace Him and we would take the glory from Him instead of sharing in His glory. God is faithful, and He is faithful enough and patient enough with us to save us for our own well-meaning desires that tend to want to create an Ishmael instead of waiting decades for the promise of Isaac to come forth.

Do not lose heart! He really does care and H really does want good things for us.

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