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New things

August 17, 2011

So I’m back from a full, adventuresome summer, and I have to say that I’m ready for it.  I’m welcoming it.  I had an amazing time in Colorado and was sad to be leaving it, but it’s time to move forward.  I posted some notes on Facebook while I was gone, but I otherwise did hardly any writing or blogging while I was gone.  A lot of what was going on I shared in the two Facebook notes, so I don’t feel I need to share from my heart what already has been shared.  I was a little in shock at leaving at first because it seemed to go way too fast and I was not entirely ready to let go of the place.  I had grown attached to the mountains, valleys, streams, and the awesome times that I was having.  I could mountain bike, hike, stick my feet in ice-cold rivers to see how long I could take it.  It truly was a full summer.  I was sad that I had to say goodbye to people that I may never see again. I met a lot of cool people and wish I could have had more time to get to know them.  My responsibilities at camp limited the possible time for this.

My job at the summer camp was very taxing and wore me out.  I was going from Sunday at noon until Friday evening, usually starting at 7 am and going until 10 pm.  I got a sinus infection the 4th week of camp and felt miserable but was able to get an antibiotic and recover by the next week.  The next to the last week the coughing re-appeared(not the congestion or runny nose or light-headedness at least) and the antibiotic I got again did not work.  Since I’ve come home the cough has significantly reduced, so I’m thinking a combination of conditions at high elevation and alot of wear and tear were contributing to it.

Now that I’m back, there is something new happening.  I’m starting my internship at CSSM which I am very excited about.  At least temporarily I will move back in to the same place that I was and look for a job in the south fort worth area.  I have no idea what this coming year will look like, but I know it’s going to grow me and shape me and refine me.  I’m feeling refreshed and ready to come into this season with a clear direction and vision.  The emotions that I was feeling leaving Colorado seemed overwhelming as I was processing all that had happened, all that I would miss and was leaving, and all that I know I have to deal with coming back. Plus I finally felt the energy drop that is often felt towards the end of a trip.  Today I got a good refresher and am integrated into being home where I need to be. I used to have a hard time re-integrating back into the normal routine after vacation trips or when I come back to Texas after spending the summer with my dad in Washington.  I felt much the same this time, but this time I’m content that I’m where I’m supposed to be and at home in my heart.

I am so thankful that God is faithful and shows mercy time and time again even when I mess up in the same areas.  I only see the tip of the iceberg of what He was up to this past summer, but I’m okay with that. Will I get to do something like that again? Maybe.  I hope so.  I always long for adventure and to be in the rugged country of the American West, really anywhere that signifies God’s grandeur and wildness.  I long to go on a summer-long road trip across the U.S. I think that shall happen.  Until then, I am where I am and I must live in these moments while never letting go of my dreams, which are countless.

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